Quantum Statement

The New Internet, the New World

I bet this makes someone in Redmond a little queasy

There is something insidiously cool about Ajax. As a nonprogramming-type, I will always be on the periphery of new technologies; however, when I see loads and loads of sites hyping a new web development tool, I take an interest. For months now, I’ve been observing a lot of chatter about Ajax. I could tell it was a revolutionary application, but I didn’t really know what it did. If you look at this chart* from Technorati, you will see how mentions of ‘Ajax’ went up from around a hundred per day in March of 2005 to roughly five or six hundred per day in March of 2006. That’s a trend worth noticing.

So, what is Ajax? Even after a bit of background reading, I am not quite sure what it is or what it does. From what I gather, Ajax is a programming language, like java or flash, but it allows you to build complicated applications that run in a webbrowser. Somehow, these applications take seconds to load and don’t strain the CPU.

Today, I took an Ajax application for a test drive. The application is called Ajax Write 0.9 [via]. The site loads in seconds. It took me a moment to get my bearings because I really didn’t believe that Ajax Write looked exactly like Microsoft Word, but it does. And even though its a little buggy, some of the functionality is missing, and their are not a lot of fonts to choose from, I believe Ajax Write will become a popular and robust word processor. Its great to know that if I’m every jonesing for a word processor (like when I’m using a public computer terminal), there’s a familiar interface I can use. Also, since one of my computers is running Microsoft Windows 95, I welcome the free upgrade.

*chart updates daily, so this will not longer be relevant in 2007.

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March 23, 2006 - Posted by | AJAX, ajaxwrite, novelty, technology, Web 2.0


  1. 2 things:

    1. If you have a student ID, you can upgrade to Windows XP under a reduced rate.
    2. Google is tooling with some competition for Microsoft in the form of a browser based office suite (word processing, spreadsheets, etc.).

    Comment by jeremy | March 26, 2006 | Reply

  2. 2 things:

    1. Carrot Top is too high-minded for my tastes
    2. What’s a ‘Microsoft?’

    Comment by rfid4dna | March 27, 2006 | Reply

  3. Hey Steve,

    Ajax stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. What this means for normal people is: web pages can talk to web servers without reloading the web page. The concept has been around for quite a while, but it didn’t really take off until it was given a name early last year (by an Information Architect, by the way) and some big name sites (Google) started using the technique.

    So, instead of web applications being a succession of web pages that pass data back and forth between the server and different pages, developers are building the functionality all in one “page,” making the experience much more like a desktop application.

    You dig?

    Comment by Tim Boyd | March 31, 2006 | Reply

  4. It sounds pretty damn cool. With all of the excitement over YouTube.com, I wonder if any Ajax Developers have a distributed video editing project in the works.

    Comment by rfid4dna | March 31, 2006 | Reply

  5. Interesting thought on that one. I think I heard something similar the other day on another board. I can’t remember where though.

    Comment by Health Resources | April 7, 2006 | Reply

  6. This site is unbelievable :-). I 100% agree :-), of that is my opinion. Make sure you keep this blog active.Blog away!.

    Comment by julie | April 17, 2006 | Reply

  7. Thanks for the info.

    Comment by World News | June 11, 2006 | Reply

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